Nurses and Allied Health Professionals’ Workshop

Nurses and Allied Health Professionals’ Workshop

Date: Tuesday 14, May 2024

Time and Location of Workshop Part 1: 08:30 – 12:20
Basic Track  – East Ballroom C
Advanced Track – East Meeting Room 11 & 12
Time and Location of Workshop Part 2: 16:30 – 18:25
East Ballroom AB


Registration is now open! To register click here. (See further information regarding registration at the bottom of this page.)


Please join your fellow nursing and allied health colleagues for a workshop that promises to be lively and interactive.

The morning part of the workshop will be divided into two tracks Basic and Advanced. Be sure to choose your track during the registration process. It comprises of presentations with emphasis on interactive participation with and by the attendees.

In the afternoon all the attendees will come together to participate in the second part of the workshop, starting at 16:30.


9:00 – 12:20     INS Nurses/HCP Workshop PART 1 (Morning Session) 
Time Basic Track Advanced Track
8:30 – 9:00 Meet and Greet (Coffee and Pastries) Meet and Greet (Coffee and Pastries)
9.00 – 9.10 Introductions & welcome Introductions & welcome
9.10 – 9.30 Patient Selection Biopsychosocial in Combination with SCS in PSPS Type 2 Patients
9.30 – 9.50 Basics in Psychology and Communication with the Chronic Pain Patient; Psychology and Pain – What is the Connection? Opioid Reduction and SCS current Requirements Study
9:50 – 10:20 Post-Implant Physio Programs Advanced Programming
10.25 – 11.00 MORNING BREAK
11.10 – 11.30 Complication Management SCS Nurses in the Scientific Field – presentation about own research about SCS and objective data
11.30 – 11.50 Patient Case Study Patient Case Study
11.50 – 12.20 Q and A Q and A
16:30 – 18:25      INS Nurses/HCP Workshop PART 2 (Afternoon Session) 
16.30 – 17.55 International Panorama of Nurses – Panel speakers and interactive discussion using a digital device/app
17.55 – 18.10 INS Nurses / Allied Health Committee & INS Mentorship program
18.10 – 18.25 Session Close

Workshop Chairs

Victoria Bains, Canada; Caro Edelbroek, The Netherlands; Nancy Polyhronopoulos, Canada;  Rachel Whipp, Australia


Workshop Speakers

Victoria Bains, Canada

Alison Cox, UK

Kathryn Curtis, Canada

Caro Edelbroek, The Netherlands

David Elvish, Australia

Kara Hallett, Canada

Tanja Hamm, The Netherlands

Jenny Jennings, UK

Phyllis McPhillips, Germany

Alba Maria Munoz, Spain

Rimke Snel, The Netherlands

Pieter van Looy, Belgium

Ulrika Parker, Sweden

Nancy Polyhronopoulos, Canada

Rebekah Richards, Australia

Rachel Whipp, Australia

Registered participants to the INS 16th World congress, or those who register and pay for a day pass for Tuesday 14 May 2024, are invited to participate in this workshop at no additional fee.

To register click here

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