Scientific Program Chairs
Konstantin V. Slavin, MD
Scientific Program Chair

Robert M. Levy, MD, PhD
Scientific Program Co-Chair
Stana Bojanic, BSc (Hons), MB BS
Scientific Program Co-Chair
Section topics and co-chairs
Innovations in Neuromodulation (Pre-conference)
G. Baranidharan, FRCA, FFPMRCA
Philippe Rigoard, MD, PhD
Noninvasive Brain Stimulation (Pre-conference)
Marom Bikson, PhD
Eric Wassermann, MD
Public Neuromodulation Education Event
Chris Honey, MD, DPhil
Keith MacDougall, MD, FRCSC
Nurses and Allied Health Professional Workshop
Victoria Bains, BScN, RN
Caro Edelbroek, RGN
Nancy Polyhronopoulos, RN,
Rachel Whipp, RN BNurs.
Basic Science of Neuromodulation
Robert Foreman, PhD
Yun Guan, MD, PhD
Bert Joosten, PhD
Neuroprosthetics / Neural Engineering / Brain Computer Interface / Artificial Intelligence
James Fitzgerald, MBBS, PhD
Cameron McIntyre, PhD
Socioeconomics of Neuromodulation
Shivanand Lad, MD, PhD
Rod Taylor, PhD
Robert Levy, MD, PhD
Brain: Movement Disorders
Andrew Parrent, MD, FRCSC
Jan Vesper, MD, PhD
Brain: Neuropsychiatry (Noninvasive)
Joan Camprodon, MD, PhD
Dirk De Ridder, MD, PhD
Brain: Neuropsychiatry (Invasive)
Clement Hamani, MD, PhD
Bart Nuttin, MD, PhD
Brain: Epilepsy
Arthur Cukiert, MD, PhD
Brain: Neurorehabilitation
Andre Machado, MD, PhD
Brain: Pain
Peter Konrad, MD, PhD
Brain: Non-Invasive Stimulation
Marom Bikson, PhD
Eric Wassermann, MD
Spinal Cord
Stana Bojanic, MBBS FRCS (SN)
Spinal Cord: Pain
Peter Staats, MD
Spinal Cord: Intrathecal Drug Delivery for Pain
Sam Eldabe, MBBS, FRCA
Spinal Cord: Spasticity
Alexios Carayannopoulos, MD
Spinal Cord: Cardiovascular
Michael DeJongste, MD, PhD
Peripheral Nerve
Chris Winfree, MD
Peripheral Nerve: Headache
Denys Fontaine, MD
Chris Gilligan, MD, MBA
Peripheral Nerve: Pain
Christopher Gilmore, MD
Ashish Gulve, MD
Peripheral Nerve: Gastrointestinal
Tom Abell, MD
Jiande Chen, MD, PhD
Peripheral Nerve: Genitourinary
Stephan De Wachter, MD, PhD
Peripheral Nerve: Systemic Disease
Jeff Ardell, PhD
Leonardo Kapural, MD, PhD
Peripheral Nerve: Epilepsy
George M. Ibrahim, MD, PhD
Kristl Vonck, MD